Aloka Ssd 4000 User Manual Pdf

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Service Technicians Ultrasound Forum Aloka Ssd-3500 User Manual Sebastian Tautscher Lysis - Individual Healthcare Solutions OG Hello, we are currently looking for a manual for Aloka SSD-3500 in. Service Technicians Other Forum Service Manual Aloka Ssd 1000 roberto zuniga imagen1022 Hi, I need the service manual aloka ssd 1000, for troubleshooting. Please send me a copy p. Ultrasound Solutions Clearly Defined ™. For over 60 years, Hitachi Healthcare has led the medical industry by pioneering ultrasound systems that have advanced the standard of real time imaging. Get aloka ssd 3500 service manual PDF file for free from our online library PDF File: aloka ssd 3500 service manual ALOKA SSD 3500 SERVICE MANUAL PDF Are you looking for aloka ssd 3500 service manual PDF? If you are areader who likes to download aloka ssd 3500 service manual Pdf to any kind of device,whether its your laptop, Kindle or iPhone.

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The ProSound SSD-4000 utilizes the most advanced acoustic technologies available today.

With its new-generation, front-end technology including a 12-bit A/D converter, the ProSound SSD-4000 offers superior contrast resolution—especially when compared to 10-bit systems. An intelligent digital beam former supports PixelFocus, providing precision spatial resolution down to the pixel level for improved visualization of clinical detail.

The SSD-4000 utilizes newly developed Wide-band Super High-Density (W-SHD) transducers optimized for digital imaging. The system also employs a Pure Harmonic Detection (PureHD) feature to create exceptionally clear images—artifact free and with a higher signal-to-noise ratio. This is especially useful when scanning traditionally difficult-to-scan patients (e.g., the aged or the obese).

The PureHD technology enables distortion-free fundamental frequency transmission as well, which makes harmonic images much clearer. This maximizes the affect of both the Tissue and the Contrast harmonic echo by providing excellent contrast and spatial resolution.

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a year ago
a year agoreplace keyboard
I'm using ultrasonic aloka prosound ssd4000. The keyboard is damaged. What kind can I replace? ThanksReply
2 years ago
2 years agoStoring images on usb flash disk
Can I directly store images on USB flash stick through one of two USB sockets in chase of my Aloca SSD-4000 ultrasound equipment?Reply


2 years ago
2 years agopin cmos of aloka ssd 4000
I want replace the pin cmos of aloka ssd 4000 ( I be lost). What's kind of pin cmos. ThanksReply


  • The SSD-4000 PureHD system uses key features of the Aloka ProSound Series
  • Quint Frequency Imaging allows up to five different frequency settings for a single transducer.
  • Harmonic Echo is a technology that utilizes second harmonics, which include much less side lobe artifact and noise. This also helps the imaging of difficult to exam patients, such as the aged or the obese.
  • An integrated DICOM-compatible image management provided by Aloka's Data Management Subsystem (iDMS) that includes DICOM work-list capability.
  • Dual Dynamic Display (DDD) simultaneously displays two B-mode images (with and without color flow) to easily show the relationship between the morphological information and the blood flow of the region of interest.
  • Multi Beam Processing offers exceptionally high frame rates for optimal performance in studies requiring dynamic imaging of patient morphology. The SSD-4000 can provide a frame rate as high as 500 frames/second or more (transducer dependent). Even with the general abdominal transducer UST-9123, a frame rate up to 286 frames/second is possible.
  • Real-time Free Angular M-Mode technology provides superior imaging regardless of positioning. It makes the exam fast and accurate, while providing exceptional image quality.


UserAloka ssd 4000
Cart Based1
Clinical ApplicationsColorectal
Color-flow Mapping1
Doppler ModesColor, Continuous wave (CW), Pulsed wave (PW), High pulse repetition frequency (HPRF)
Height49 cm
Image Display15 in Color CRT
Imaging Capabilities3D
Length 86 cm
Weight150 kg
Width131 cm

Additional Specifications

Beamformer type:Digital
Number of Channels:256

Type: (PDF)
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Hi Guys, first off: my first Post so Hi to everyone!
i´ve got a Problem with my Audio Interface and since there is no way to getting schematics from Native Instruments and I didn't get managed to detect the problem by myself without the schematic, here is my question:
I´ve got the Komplete Audio 6 and there is no Power, the USB Connector is fully working and from the optical view there are also no abnormalities. Also every component has its power but since I don't really know where the output is going I can't check it properly (5-layer PCB). Has somebody experience with that Interface?
best greetings!

Aloka Ssd 4000

T. Fórumos Kollégák! Nevezett hangszer szétszedésében kérnék segítséget, ha netán valaki találkozott ilyen hangszerrrel. Találtam a neten kisebb PDF dokumentációt, rajzot, de nem annyira részletes, hogy kitérjen a hangszer ketté választásában. Miután nagy csomó csavar ki van hajtva, V alakban kissé szétnyílik a hangszer, de 6 vezetékköteg kereszt irányban továbbra is tartja. Egy részük láthatóan bontható, de 2 nem látszik, hol húzható szét. Ez lenne a kérdésem, tud-e valaki megoldást vágás nélkül? Ha jobban szétnyílna a 2 fél, nyomon lehetne követni a vezetékköteget, de így tudni kellene a helyet a szétkapcsoláshoz. Előre is köszönve a segítséget, üdv.

Aloka Ssd 4000 Service Manual Pdf

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