Korg Krome Manual Download

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Sep 12, 2017  Korg Krome Video Manual - Part 3: Combination Mode & Effects. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Korg Krome repair YouTube; MF#27 Korg Kronos X88 Repair cracked touch screen replacement. Information on korg.com may be updated as necessary based on changes to the product specification, operating system, included contents, and so on. Additionally, owner’s manuals may be updated to reflect these and other changes with updated production of the product. Home Support Downloads KROME EX KROME EX Manuals. Krome; Operation manual; Download; Download manual. Download KORG Krome Operation Manual. KORG Krome: Operation Manual Brand: KORG Category: Musical Instrument Size: 5.5 MB Pages: 142. Please, tick the box below to get your link: Get manual. Related Manuals for KORG Krome. Electronic Keyboard Korg Krome Manual 400 pages. All the latest downloads for your KORG Keyboard and more.

KromeCity.Com Krome FAQ

Korg Krome Download

Note: these FAQs and much, much more are located in our upcoming Krome book!

I’m thinking about buying a Krome. What should I know?
Short version: the Krome is PACKED to the rivets with features at this price point. It offers a TON of cool sounds (including an acoustic piano that is almost as good as the one on the Kronos, and better than most pianos at this price), it’s more than capable of creating modern pop (including dance, rap, dub step, etc) songs, it has a nice–albeit limited– touch screen, you can get some big sounds out of it in COMBI mode, the sequencer is great for sketching song ideas, the dual arps are cool, it’s super duper lightweight, the sequencer timing is superb (the swing has an MPC kind of bounce to it), RPPR turns it into a pattern triggering monster a la Ableton Live, and it has a decent plugin and editor for the computer.


On the flip side, the key bed is terribly cheap on the 61 and 73 key versions, there is no user sampling capability, pattern mode is unnecessarily complicated and requires way too many button presses, it’s made of cheap plastic, its fidelity (as in audio converters, main outs) is not on par with higher end boards (compared to the Kronos or Motif I would say it is ~30% less rich, warm, crisp, thick, wide and professional sounding in general), it has a cheap power supply, there are no digital outs (yes, this is a big deal because the only way to record the Krome in a computer is via its main outs, and they use lower grade converters), and it can be very cumbersome to use.

Overall, in my opinion this board is for those who want a controller with a bunch of new sounds to augment their VSTis, etc, those who have the patience to sequence on a small screen, those who are just getting started with production, or those who want an “inexpensive” stage board for keys. For those who need really pro sound, sampling, deep editing, etc etc, I would suggest a Motif XS or XF or a Kronos. If keyboards are cars, the Kronos is a Lexus, the Krome is a Toyota Camry. Pick your weapon.

Is this site for or against the Krome?
Neither. We’re neutral. We’re FOR our fellow keyboard lovers. We tell it like it is about every product we choose to support and the Krome is no exception. We chose to support the Krome because–like many keyboards–it is beset by unintuitive workflows and cryptic documentation and we have the expertise and experience to translate and simplify. That said, once you get the hang of the Krome, you can do some AMAZING things with it, and if you buy our books we’ll show you how. 🙂

How do I get the %$%$#@ metronome light to stop blinking???
You can’t. Feel free to email Korg and tell them how annoying it is: customerservice@korgusa.com

How do I adjust the contrast of the touch screen?
You can’t. The only thing you can do is adjust the brightness (GLOBAL>BASIC menu>Display Setup). This is not a good thing because if you are viewing the display at an angle (i.e. the board is on a desk in front of you, and your head is not positioned over the screen as it might be if you were standing over it on a stage), the contrast is poor and brightness is only 50% of what it is when viewed directly above. Korg should have made the display swivel or positioned it at more of an angle.

What’s up with the cheapo keys on the Krome? Aren’t they calling this a “professional” keyboard?
Evidently Korg doesn’t think enough of the Krome to give it a quality key bed. Sad, but true. If it had a solid key bed (like the Motif XF6 and XF7) and higher fidelity sound (ok, and a few button location/style changes) , it could have been a cult classic. But alas, Korg evidently only gives the good stuff to customers who spend $2500+. 🙁 Eh, don’t be sad, it’s business, never personal. :eyes rolling: Check out my informal review of the keys here: http://www.kromecity.com/korg-krome-key-bed-observations/

Where’s the freakin’ headphone jack?
In the FRONT of the board. Between the joystick and the first key. Nice location. Too bad it’s an 1/8″ jack. Once again, I’m not quite sure what Korg was thinking on this decision.

How do I reset the Krome to its factory condition?
1. On the Krome console press the GLOBAL button
2. On the touch screen press the MENU button (the down-facing arrow at the top right of screen, then press “Load Preload/Demo Data,” make sure “ALL (Preload PCG and Demo Songs i) is selected, then press the OK button. The Krome will restore all banks, songs, arps, global settings, etc to factory condition. it will also load three demo songs. Feel free to overwrite them or delete them.

If your Krome freaks out or locks up or becomes “unstable” (Korg’s word, not mine), you can initialize it as follows: Turn off the power, and then, while holding down the EXIT button and PAGE button, turn the power on. The KROME will be initialized. While the data is being loaded, the display will indicate “Now writing into internal memory.”

Why doesn’t the Krome remember which screen I was last on when it powers up?
You have to set that as a preference. Press GLOBAL button, then on the screen press the SYSTEM PREF tab (bottom of the screen) . Then to the right of the “POWER-ON MODE” label, open the menu and select MEMORIZE. Then press the WRITE button followed by the OK button on the screen.

Is it just me, or does Krome volume knob stop working at about 75%?
It’s true. The volume knob only seems to increase the Krome’s volume until it reaches about three o’ clock. Weird. Also, the Krome does not have “hot” outs, so you’ll need some good amplification.

Where are the “transpose” buttons so I can easily transpose keys on stage?
Sadly, there are no transpose buttons. The only way to transpose is in GLOBAL mode (which transposes the whole board), or by assigning transpose to the joystick or “tone adjust” settings. For the record, I think that sucks. Give us some transpose buttons for our 61 and 73’s, Korg!

What is up with CUE list burping between songs?
You can decrease latency between songs by turning off EFFECTS (Load FX? box unchecked in the PAGE> P11:CUE LIST screen) , but then why the heck would anyone want to do that? Seems the Krome has an issue with smooth transitions between songs, even with effects turned off. Still looking into this…

Is it just me, or is the Krome forgetting my LOOP settings in SEQ mode?
It’s the Krome, not you. If you set the Krome to loop your whole song (PREFERENCES tab – loop all tracks), and then save the song, when you reload the song your tracks will no longer be looped and you will have to set them to loop again. Nice QA, Korg! 🙂

What the heck is “RPPR” and why do the SEQ screens always say “RPPR:NoAssign”?
No, RPPR is not short for “rapper.” There is no ‘auto rap artist’ feature on Korg boards.. yet. RPPR is Korgonian for “Real Time Pattern Play/Recording.” In a nutshell, you can assign pre-recorded or user patterns to keys and then trigger them in your songs. Check out our Commanding the Krome (coming soon!) book for complete step by step, plain english details on how to record, edit and use patterns in your Krome songs.

Where are the demo songs?
You have to load them from the Krome’s secret candy mountain internal vault. Follow the same steps as resetting, but choose “ALL DEMO SONGS” instead.

Why don’t my songs reload when the Krome powers up?
The Krome has volatile memory. That means everything pretty much gets zapped when you turn it off, save for user programs and a few parameters the Krome stores in its tiny internal memory. On top of that, there is no AUTOLOAD function (as in the MPC or Motif for instance) to load up the board automatically when you power on. You will need to manually reload everything every time you power on.

What’s that little clock icon located at the top right of the screen for?
What, your finger is too fat to click it? Try using your pinky. Better yet, use a pen stylus with a rubber tip. The clock icon is a stopwatch. Click it and the readout will appear across the top of the screen. You will barely be able to see it if you’re viewing at an angle. Click START button to the right of the readout to start it. What do you use a stopwatch for? I use it to tell me how long I’ve been working. Others use it to check the length of a song since the screen does not have an elapsed time readout by default. Not sure why it doesn’t. There is room to put one in that top bar next to METER parameter? Come on, Korg.

What’s the simplest/quickest way to just jam to a beat?
1. Press PROGRAM button, select any program
2. Press the DRUM TRACK button
3. Press a key. Jam.
To change the beat press “MIXER & DRUM” button on the screen, then select the beat name and use the jog dial to audition beats. Same with the drum kit.

What is up with the Krome’s sound quality? Some programs sound really thin.
Watch this YT video. The Kronos is the keyboard on top; the Krome is the one on the bottom. In the first couple minutes he plays both boards and compares programs. Clearly the Kronos sounds brighter, richer, warmer. I found the same when comparing the Krome to my Roland RD700nx. Furthermore, I am convinced the Krome sounds significantly better in headphones than it does via its main outs. I am using Adam A7 monitors with a Fireface 800 audio interface, so there is nothing in my chain that would degrade sound quality. Granted, I have only my ears to make this claim, but I’d be interested to hear from other observers who have listened to the Krome on both headphones and monitors.

What is the simplest/quickest way to record a few instruments and a beat to capture an idea?
1. Click COMBI button, scroll through the Combis until you find one you like (i.e. with bass in the lower register and keys in the upper)
2. Click the DRUM button. Press any key below middle “C” to start the beat.
3. Jam until you get a good groove going.
4. Press the RECORD button, followed by the DRUM button again
5. Press the PLAY button to start recording. Jam. Teddy jam for me.
The DRUM button toggles the beat on and off

What is the simplest/quickest way to select another track in SEQ mode?
Unfortunately there are no dedicated track buttons so you cannot select another track with a single button click (as you can on say the Yamaha Motif and other boards). The trick is to keep the TRACK parameter (located directly under the SONG NAME parameter) highlighted. Then you have one of three options: use the JOG DIAL, the INC/DEC buttons, or the number pad. To use the number pad, make sure the TRACK parameter is highlighted, then press the number button corresponding to the track number you want to go to, then press the ENTER button. Recommendation to Korg: make the blue track numbers on the PROG screens clickable so they can select the TRACK.

I made a mistake recording and need to UNDO my last recording pass. How do I undo?
IF you haven’t left the SEQ mode and gone into another mode (such as COMBI or PROGRAM) you can click the COMPARE button to load the song in its form PRIOR to your last recording pass, which will effectively UNDO your recording. Press COMPARE again to toggle back and forth. Note: Compare only works if you don’t leave the SEQ screen after recording.

What kind of SD card does the Krome take?
SDHC card. Up to 32GB. I bought a 8GB Lexmark SDHC card at Target for $8 yesterday. Works great. No, you can’t hook up a USB storage device to the Krome.

1) All intellectual property contained in this library - including owner’s manuals and product literature - is the sole property of KORG Inc. Duplication of contents of owner’s manuals and/or product literature in part or in whole without the permission of the Company for the purposes of sharing, mass-producing, posting online, or personal gain of any kind is prohibited by copyright law. Users are permitted to create one (1) copy for their personal non-commercial use.

2) Materials such as owner’s manuals and related product information are intended for the use of customers who purchase and use the product (End User). The Company assumes that this material is utilized by the End User. Please be aware that the Company may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding owner’s manuals made public in this library from anyone other than customers who have purchased the products.

3) This library does not provide owner’s manuals and product information for all of the products sold by the Company. Owner’s manuals or product information may not be available for all products indefinitely or at all, and may be permanently discontinued at the Company’s discretion.

4) Contents of owner’s manuals and content as found on korg.com may differ. Information on korg.com may be updated as necessary based on changes to the product specification, operating system, included contents, and so on. Additionally, owner’s manuals may be updated to reflect these and other changes with updated production of the product.


5) Company takes no responsibility for any loss including but not limited to loss of data, financial loss, or personal loss) that might arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the manual library or the specified software.

6) Please be aware that this service may be modified or terminated at any time by the Company without specific notice.


7) Contacts for questions regarding the product, as well as other addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses listed in the owner’s manuals are current as of the date the manual was produced. For the latest contact information, please refer to the Korg.com website.

Korg Krome Owners Manual

8) Cautions regarding the use of the product are stated at the beginning and end of each owner’s manual. Because these cautions were based on the laws and societal understandings at the time when each manual was produced, they might not be appropriate for the present time. It is advised that End User review and strictly adhere to these Cautions.